Media & Speaking
In addition to the selected media below I am a regular speaker at private events, both online and in person. Get in touch for more information and to make a booking.
Humans & Environment
Living with extreme weather events : an exploratory study of psychological factors in at-risk communities in the UK and Belize
“There’s no Plastic in Our Volcano”: A Story About Losing and Finding a Path to Participatory Volcanic Risk Management in Colombia
Natural Hazards and Risk: The Human Perspective
Natural hazards and risk: the human perspective. In Risk and Uncertainty Assessment for Natural Hazards
Understanding systems thinking: an agenda for applied research in industry
Learn more about my research
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Explores neurodiversity, how to celebrate and encourage it; and what steps leaders can take to create a welcoming working environment for all their employees.
A Hidden Force
Everybody thinks differently. Yet, most people typically barely consider this fact as they engage in their daily interactions at work. Do you?